Fireworks Permit

Picture of fireworks.

Picture of fireworks.

Display Requirements

  • Applications shall be submitted 15 days prior to date of display.

  • Proof of bond or insurance certificate at least in the amount of $1,000,000.00

  • Diagram of the grounds, or facilities at which the display will be held. This is to be to scale or with dimensions included. Diagram must show the point at which the fireworks/pyrotechnic special effects are to be discharged; the location of ground pieces; the location of all buildings, highways, streets, communication lines and other possible overhead obstructions; and the lines behind which the audience will be restrained. For proximate audience displays, the diagram must also show the fallout radius for each pyrotechnic device used during the display.

  • List of products

  • Names and ages of all assistants that will be participating in the display.

  • Copy of pyrotechnic operator certificate.

Permit for Indoor Sales

  • Applications shall be submitted 15 days prior to date of display.

  • Certificate of Liability

  • Inventory List

  • Site Plan, floor plan of product display, floor plan of product storage

  • MSDS


Apply for a permit online by visiting the Rogers Permit Portal or visit City Hall.

Fire, Other.fireworks